As I’m listening to all of this talk about Osama Bin Laden, I’m hearing a certain phrase a lot. “Rules of Engagement.” I decided to look at how this phrase is actually defined, at least according to that treasure trove of data, Wikipedia.
In military or police operations, the rules of engagement (ROE) determine when, where, and how force shall be used.
It occurs to me that Social Media doesn’t really have rules of engagement. Social Media is kind of like the flower child revolution. “We don’t need rules, man.” But we kind of do, don’t we?
It’s all well and good to say that we have “best practices” or guidelines, but as Social Media comes of age, it seems like there are more and more questions arising with fewer and fewer answers. This feeling that we aren’t doing things right, or that we can do something horribly wrong without knowing it – it’s kind of scary, isn’t it? It could even be enough to make someone gun-shy about getting started.
What kinds of rules of engagement could we use? Here are some questions that I think we would all love help answering.