I feel like I have known Ty forever, but in reality I think we have only been friends for five years. I met him via the illustrious #usguys tribe on Twitter, for which I am thankful. Everything Ty says below explains why I wanted to highlight him, but what he doesn’t talk about is how he works tirelessly on behalf of No Kid Hungry. It is a great cause and he does a great job pushing the message without being pushy. Here are Ty’s answers to the magical six questions 🙂
#PassionPlayers Steve Brightman
I met Steve close to ten years ago in my old hometown of Akron, Ohio. I learned pretty quickly that Steve is an extremely gifted poet, but I also got the privilege to learn what a kind and smart person he is, so bonus! Steve embodies passion to me because he has been committed to publishing a poem every single day to his Facebook page. To me, that is living out your passion. Here are Steve’s answers to my questions.
#passionplayers – Molly Cantrell-Kraig
When I thought about the concept of starting a conversation about passion here on my blog, I knew that one of the people I would most want to hear from would be Molly Cantrell-Kraig. Lo and behold, she is kicking off the series! I have known Molly for about five years now (although unfortunately we have not met in person….yet…) and she embodies passion so far as I am concerned. Her work for Women with Drive Foundation has always inspired me.
I asked Molly six questions, which are the questions all #PassionPlayers recipients will receive. I loved her answers – I think you will too.
1. How do you define “passion”?

A new project – #PassionPlayers
Do you find passion contagious? I certainly do. When someone starts talking about something and you see that look in their eyes – I love that. When you read something and you feel the person shaking your shoulders through the book or the screen – I love that. Passion may be an overused word that has lost its meaning, but I would like to revive it. I would like to learn what your passions are, how you define “passion,” and more.
To that end, I am starting a project I am calling #PassionPlayers. If you want to participate, all you have to do is send me an email or any place you would prefer I send you a few questions. I will write up a post for your review and then publish it. In this way, I hope that we can share our passions together and perhaps learn how we can support each others’ passions as well.
I already have one volunteer, and that post will be coming out soon. I would love to hear from YOU! Comment below if you are interested 🙂
Image credit:https://www.flickr.com/photos/ramsd/8471247379/ via Creative Commons.