It’s time I give you some truths about Social Media. Some of them are tough to swallow. Some of them are kind of comforting. They are all things I wish I would have known when I started this journey. I hope that you find them helpful if you are beginning your journey or I hope that you enjoy them if you are reflecting on from whence you came.
1. Social Media is not easy.
2. No one is obligated to help you.
3. No one knows your objectives.
4. You need to have objectives.
5. You need to have a plan.
6. Your plan needs to be flexible.
7. You are expected to give back whatever you get.
8. You have to put in a lot of time.
9. You have to make sure you control your time.
10. You have to read.
11. You have to always keep your mind open to learning.
12. There will be incredibly tough times.
13. There will be times of elation.
14. In the end, it’s about you and your goals.
15. In the end, you can’t succeed without others.
16. Promoting others can be more fun than promoting yourself.
17. There’s no rhyme or reason, most of the time.
18. People will love your least favorite content.
19. People will be silent about your favorite content.
20. Your brain will get tired.
21. Your soul will be challenged.
22. You will make unexpected friendships.
23. You run the risk of making unexpected enemies.
24. You are accountable for everything you type.
25. It’s a roller coaster, not a merry-go-round.
What would you add to this list?