Often times, people say that they like to be able to look back on a day and say, “Hey, I did something that could be called a good deed!” Well, today is your lucky day. I’m going to tell you how you can help five companies in the span of one minute. Such a deal! And it’s a GREAT cause that will really help these companies out. See, this is for the Chase Mission: Small Business contest, and 12 companies will be awarded a $250,000 grant. That’s a major lift, as you might imagine!
There are five companies that I’m suggesting you help in this minute of your time. They are:
Manty Web Designs of Cypress, TX
Miller Finch Media of Acworth, GA
You’re First LLC of Cypress, TX
Center for the Greater Good of Eagle, ID
Ms. Julie’s Kitchen and Ms. Julie’s Cafe of my own hometown, Akron, OH
All you have to do
Step 1: Go to https://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/ and log-in with Facebook. I know that a lot of people don’t like using their FB log-in for things, but I promise, this is a good cause!
Once you log-in, you’ll be taken to a page, and you’ll need to scroll down all the way to the bottom. You should see something like this:
Step 2: In the search button, type in the name of the first company up there, Manty Web Designs. Now, the search can be a bit finnicky. So:
for Manty Web Designs, you want to type in Mantyweb.
for Miller Finch Media, just typing in Miller Finch will work.
You’re First works for You’re First LLC
Center for the Greater Good works for the Eagle Idaho company
Julie’s Kitchen works for the last one
Don’t worry about the city drop-down. These name searches take you to where you want to go.
3. Click Vote. After you type in the name of each company as indicated above, be sure to press the blue “vote” button.
And that’s it.
Typing in each company name will take you about 5 seconds. Clicking vote will take you about 1 second. Six seconds times five companies – hey, 30 seconds. Now that’s not such a bad investment of half-a-minute, right?
Vote and pass it on 🙂 I thank you!