Alan Berkson asked me to gather up some posts for people who are just getting started on Twitter. I thought that was a pretty good idea. There are a lot of different opinions out there, so it can get pretty confusing. I’ve done my best to gather posts that I myself found really helpful (that does not explain why I included posts I wrote, by the way) or posts that I thought raised some interesting questions about Twitter.
I hope you enjoy!
Getting Started on Twitter
1. How to get your Twitter mojo, by Heidi Cohen
2. 1 Month, 40 Twitter action items, by Margie Clayman
3. How to get started on Twitter in 10 easy steps, by Natascha Thomson
To Follow or Not To Follow…that is the question
4. Being a Twitter Snob is a good thing, by Mitch Joel
5. Bringing down the Twitter snobs, by Mark Schaefer
6. Why I unfollowed everyone on Twitter, by Shama Kabani
7. The fallacy of social media reciprocation, by Amber Naslund
8. Who would you unfollow? by Margie Clayman
9. You are who you follow, by Margie Clayman
10. My Twitter follow-back policy, by Ted Coiné
Engaging on Twitter – Tips and Tricks
11. 9 ways to build a Twitter community with substance, by Amber Naslund
12. 12 tips to engage people on twitter, by Cindy King
13. 10 warning signs your twitter strategy needs a makeover, by Debra Ellis
Twitter Chats
14. Allison Boyer gathered 26 blog posts about Twitter chats over at the Blogworld Blog!
15. 12 most helpful tips for conversing in a twitter chat, by Sam Fiorella
16. 12 most stimulating twitter chats, by Daniel Newman
Twitter and Klout
17. Twitter, Klout, and the Vacation Effect, by Mark Schaefer
18. How much Twitter, Facebook, and Klout matter: a recruiter’s advice, by Tracey John
19. 4 keys to increasing your klout score, by Trey Pennington
20. Is Klout a good judge of your social media influence? by Elijah Young
21. A round-up of posts about Klout (from the UsBlogs) by Tom Moradpour
Random Twittery goodness
22. 50 ideas on using Twitter for business, by Chris Brogan
23. Of Superman and authentic customer service on Twitter, by Ty Sullivan
24. Taking Twitter engagement seriously (by Charlie the dog and assisted by…) Jason Sokol
25. Sunday Brunch: Twitter as a marketing tool [vlog] by Danny Brown
So there you have it. Twenty-five posts about different facets of the Twittery world. Alan, I hope this is what you had in mind 🙂
Image by Graham Briggs.