Every week, I get more and more excited about the blogs I have the privilege of highlighting. What is really delighting me is that more than half of the posts that you see below were referred to me by other people. Some recommended their own posts, others recommended posts by other people – but the spirit of sharing blogs is seeming to be something that’s catching on, and that fills me with a great sense of accomplishment – already! But that’s not an invitation to make it stop.
Lots of diverse topics again this week. Some topics that are controversial and thought provoking, some topics that are just plain helpful. I loved reading all of these, and I sure hope you do as well. Keep reading. Keep writing.
1. The first post for this week came in about 5 minutes after I posted #5! My friend @WilsonEllis wrote a post based on some advice she had given me about #30Thursday. I was sending folks to lots of external links, but not giving them a way back. In Debra’s words, I was sending folks down the rabbit hole. She explains how to avoid such problems!
2. My friend @FutureJennD recommended this next post – a playful one that has a lot going on underneath. From the Diary of Noah’s Wife, by Mary Biever.
3. A beautiful post from @DWesterberg titled “We probably wouldn’t be friends in real life.” How many people have you met via Social Media that you probably would never have met otherwise? My life is all the richer for having met the people I have.
4. The whole push behind this next site, which the wonderful @CateTV recommended, is really neat. This is a link to the most recent post for Epic Change. The message? Give Epic Thanks. Indeed.
5. My friend @oneJillian did a really interesting post that incorporated a Vlogger’s video about why you don’t necessarily need to jump on Twitter. An interesting perspective if you’re not sure Twitter is for you. This’ll get ya thinking!
6. @ckburgess sent me another outstanding post by Brian Slattery. This time, the topic focuses on how simple is better when it comes to authentic branding. Great post (especially if you’re a literature nut! Beowulf is involved!)
7. Rhonda Hurwitz pointed me in the direction of a great post by @techguerilla (Matt Ridings) over at Jay Baer’s ConvinceandConvert.com. The sticky issue of ROI and Social Media returns again. Excellent topic, excellent post!
8. @CateTV recommended that I check out the blog of @danacreative. The first post that I saw, called When Betrayal and Chaos Intervene, is a chilling read, but one that makes you wonder if the world is still a place where it’s safe to do good deeds.
9. Brian Solis writes about the perception of brands and branding in the wake of Social Media. Are brands being diluted while people believe they can reach more people than ever? Recommended by @cristianisdaman
10. @AllenMireles recommended this post. It’s hard to read, but so important. From SweetSalty, Loving & A Walk To Remember. Beautiful.
11. @cristianisdaman, showing why he is awesome, also recommended this post by TBKCreative. Is a man’s dignity worth $100? Fantastic post in so many ways. Great stuff.
12. @cristianisdaman, when he doesn’t read other peoples’ blogs, writes great posts himself. Check out this one – Google is creating a world where humans can be obsolete. Awesome huh?
13. Great friend (and great mind) @LouImbriano wrote a really inspirational post about how thinking in a slightly different way can mean you’re on your way to success. Make sure you look for his reference of the fly story!
14. @BillBoorman wrote a heckuva post about the line between Google and Big Brother. Where is that line, anyway?
15. My friend @FredMcClimans wants you think about who really can influence the deal. It may not be who you think it is!
16. Another great post from @MentorMarketing this week. If you are considering any sort of online video advertising, this is the post to read!
17. @HeidiCohen asks if you need a Social Media Manager. There’s a lot more to this question than meets the eye!
18. Bob James (aka The Mighty Copywriter) wonders if social proof is all it’s cracked up to be. What do you think?
19. Living up to his Twitter handle, @cristianisdaman sent me yet another post, this one by Jason Cohen. Maybe branding is simultaneously more and less complicated than we are led to believe. Though provoking and perhaps relevant to you right now!
20. It’s hard to choose just 1 post from @pushingsocial, but I think the message here is really important – how to leave great comments on blogs. Guess what? It’s still about being genuine.
21. I loved this post from @SuzanneVara. Social Media is not a new conversation. What it might be is a new tool for small businesses.
22. My friend @mayareguru (Maya Paveza) is working on a project with Chris Brogan’s Human Business Works. Are you a real estate agent who is finding success using Social Media? Now is your chance to tell very interested people all about it.
23. Kat Caverly (@greetums), a new friend of mine, sent me this great and fun post – 5 things to do wrong when you’re having a bad day. Not that any of us have bad days, but just in case..:)
24. I’m delighted that @BethHarte posted a blog about an #IMCChat we had on September 15th (Hard to believe it was that long ago!). Customer focused vs. Customer-Centric. This was a tough topic for me to get my arms around. Let me know what you think!
25. My buddy @TedCoine did a great post this week about the role jealousy plays in business. It could be what is really dragging you or your business down. Do you find yourself experiencing any situations like what Ted examines?
26. Hearing about these new Facebook groups but not sure what all the fuss is about? Great summary by @tommyismyname.
27. Kristen Robinson (@KRDMarketing) reminds you that you, yes you, NEED to be networking. Great reminder of how Social Media could be used to enhance the growth of your new business.
28. If you think news reporters and other people who live & breathe media would have a lovely and loving relationship with Social Media, you, like @SueYoungMedia, and like me, would be surprised.
29. @TamaDear posted a great blog titled “Twisted Sisters,” about the role of women in business. Perception is not just in the eyes of men. It’s in your own eyes. It’s in the eyes of other women. How’s that all working for ya?
30. I thought this post by Carol Roth was really interesting – we say a lot of things, like “I did my best.” Do we really mean that? What is our best? What are we REALLY saying? (Yes, I’m sending you to MyEscapeVelocity.com in case you didn’t go based on my recommendation earlier this week