The Twitter chat I co-founded called #Tweetdiner has never been quite like other chats. First of all, for some reason, most chats don’t incorporate digital food fights. Clearly they are the weird ones. #Tweetdiner never really had any particular topic, except on rare occasions. Rather, the chat has mostly been about friends getting together and chatting conversationally in real time. Last year we got together to remember our friend, Claudia Jackson, who passed away quite unexpectedly. This month, July 28th to be precise, I’d like to host a #Tweetdiner to help out our long-time diner family member, James Fierce.
The deal is this. James has been having a heckuva time over the last few years, but he refuses to be defeated. He wants to start his own importing and consulting business, but he needs a little bit of a boost to get that going. If you know James you’ve probably been supported by him in one way or another, so you know that he certainly merits a little help. James has started a GoFundMe campaign that explains all of the obstacles he has had to deal with along with where he is hoping to go next.
The goal of our chat will be two-fold. Well, actually three-fold. First, it’ll be a reunion, which is always fun. Second, we will strive to get James up and over his campaign goal over the course of the chat. And finally, per James’ request (and this shows how awesome he is) we’ll be talking about how men are impacted by depression and chronic illness. Men often feel pressure to stay quiet about these things, leaving them to either despair on their own or having no option but to pull their own selves up by the bootstraps.
The chat will run from 8-9 PM ET on Thursday, July 28th.
Spread the word, and I hope to see you there!