Being in the world of B2B, and being in an agency, and being in an agency that handles advertising, among other things, I’ve become pretty accustomed, over the last couple of years, to hearing about how various things are dead.
Today is #b2bchat day, and I thought I would honor my fellow B2Bers with a post about how things maybe aren’t dead. Positivity? Well, consider yourself warned.
One thing that always seems to be counted out of the fight is advertising, even despite the success of Mad Men. Perhaps Mad Men will seem less nostalgic and more in the now after you read this article from called Ad Spending Grows as Economy Recovers, by Kate Maddox. Put those coffins away!
When Facebook announced its new messaging system a couple of weeks ago, I found it kind of eerie how Mark Zuzkerberg specifically said that he was not gunning for email marketing. I tweeted to Christopher Penn, VP of Strategy & Innovation at Blue Sky Factory, an email company, and asked him what he thought of all of this. Shortly thereafter, he wrote a post called “It’s Dead, Isn’t it?” I think it says all that needs to be said about death warrants for any industry.
Is customer service dead? Is PR dead? Healther Whaling (@PRTini) suggests that maybe both are alive and they are working together! Give her post, called “Can you measure the ROI of Customer Service,” a read. I hope you find it as interesting as I did!
Back in September, when Google Instant launched, everyone was saying that SEO was probably dead. Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media was not pleased with this death sentence. Not surprisingly (if you read Lisa’s posts), she verbalized this sentiment.
And by the way…I hope that posts about things being dead will be dead in 2011
What else have you seen diagnosed as being dead or mortally wounded that really wasn’t? What else is making a comeback? Share your thoughts here!