So today, 2 more Tetris pieces came together. My friend Stan published a post (which ProBlogger retweeted, by the way) talking about the importance of guest posting.
As I was working on my round-up posts for this week, it occurred to me that maybe we could all try an experiment together. I’m going to publish a theme for each day next week where I do these posts, and if you want to write a post for me to highlight, well, then I’ll highlight it! It’s fun to go searching around and looking for posts on a theme, but I think it might be more fun to have a conversation extend across many different blogs each day. Kind of a group blog consisting of many blogs 🙂
So, here is the plan for next Sunday-Thursday. If you want to write a post for me to link to, or if you’ve already written a post on these topics, let me know, either in the comments, via DM, or, well, however else you know how to reach me!
Sunday (#blogchat theme): Definitions of a “successful” blogger
Monday (#MMChat theme): Was mobile as big in 2010 as you thought it would be?
Tuesday (#custserv, #leadershipchat): What are the key qualities needed to be a leader in customer service?
Wednesday (#IMCChat – integrated marketing/communications): Integrating email and Social Media – how, why, & when
Thursday (#b2bChat): Who are your B2B role models?
Sound like a plan?
If you have ideas for future themes, feel free to submit those as well. Let’s have fun sharing knowledge here, there, and everywhere.