Hi there!
Last week I began my growing adventures, but I sort of didn’t get around to actually getting things started till about Wednesday, so…I don’t have much to report. I am anxiously awaiting the sprouting of spinach, kale, and thyme.
In the interim, I have started a Pinterest board tied to this project. Mainly I am looking for container ideas, as in different things you can make containers from. There are some pretty cool ideas. In the past I have been one of those people who runs to Lowe’s the first time it hits 60º and I try to buy all the things. This year we hit 70 around Christmas so I am already confused, but that’s beside the point. This year I definitely want to have a plan ready so I use everything I have and don’t buy anything needlessly. After all, that IS kind of the point. Breaking down what I want will also help me budget better.
The duh factor on this is like wow, right?
Anyway, if you see any neat pictures or articles about container gardening let me know so I can add them to the board. Maybe some of the ideas will help you out as well.
Stay tuned!