Awhile back, Becky McRay wrote a post called Improve your small business blogging with a 100 post series. She in turn referenced Chris Brogan, who had written a post back in 2007 called My next 100 posts.
You might have guessed at this point, but I’ll just go ahead and lay it out there for you.
Here begins my own 100 post series.
Why Engagement?
To me, engagement, the act of engaging with others in effective and constructive ways in the online world, is the key to the castle. You can’t build a community or even be a part of a community if you don’t engage. You can’t find people who will comment on your posts, talk to you on Twitter, or fan your Facebook page if you don’t engage.
That being said, engagement is also one of the more complex things you need to learn how to do in the online world. Because it is the key to castle, it touches on almost everything you can or will do as you build your business or personal brand.
Why 100 posts?
I’ll leave the explanation of the actual concept to Becky’s post and Chris’s post, but I can tell you that for me, this represents a step towards me throwing my hat in the ring that matters most to me, not just in terms of interest but in terms of paying forward what I have learned so far. I want to step up to this challenge and see if I can help you, entertain you, and maybe even motivate you via this series. I’m also really hoping that as I attempt this feat, you will leave fantastic comments as you always do, you will write your own posts to add to the conversation, and maybe you’ll even start your own 100 post series. That would be fun!
Your feedback is necessary for this to work
I am hoping that you will guide me and tell me what posts are helpful, as you always do. That way I will know what kind of information you’re looking for. I hope that you throw ideas into the conversation that you’d like to see. I hope that you contact me and say, “Hey, I have a post I’d like to contribute to the series.” Because let’s face it – 100 posts of Margie is a lot of Margie! There’s not one way to do things, especially when it comes to engaging with people in the online world. Your way, your perspective, and your opinion is just as important and right as mine. Probably more so.
The series will officially start tomorrow. I doubt that I’ll do 100 posts in a row – things happen that throw those kinds of plans curve balls. But my goal will be to send you post number 100 sometime in the not too incredibly distant future.
Are you in?
Image by ibrahim t.